Welcome to my mutterings to life in general and all that Jazz!

So this is my attempt at the wonderful world of blogging!

It will contain my ramblings of life, hopes, dreams and a smattering of what makes me smile!

So grab a cupcake, (hopefully one with zillions of buttercream!) a cup of tea and sit back and take yourself out from this busy life for a few moments................................

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Blue spots - Just for a change!

Me and My Shadow
Magpie Monday!
Please join in!

Now I have to confess that I love all things spotty and dotty!  Especially Pink! which seems to adorn all manner of things in my craft room, trays, cups, table covers............ need I go on.

So I was a bit lapse last week with regard to Magpie Monday due to the children being off and having a busy time with customer orders etc so I was very pleasantly surprised when I managed to find time to visit the local car boot on Saturday morning.

I went to see the lovely man that sells fresh vegetables, at low prices but high quality.  As I turned around with my over sized cauliflowers and bags bulging with cooking apples and rhubarb, I saw this...........

It is actually a white spotted blue roman blind. Its actually a lovely pale blue (the picture does not do it justice) and it is about 4 feet wide by about 10 feet drop.   The fabric is upholstery quality and it is lined.   Sadly it will be cannibalised and the rods given to a friend who makes blinds, the Fabric will be made into pockets for my new range of children's aprons, so as soon as I have made one I will photograph it and post for you all to see, it will not be this week sadly as I have rather a lot of other things to do first!

My blind cost 50p  which was an absolute bargain, I gave the lady a £1 and said I did not want the change, but she insisted on giving it to me!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Tisket A Tasket, I love my Pink Gingham Baby Basket!

This is the latest of the baby baskets to leave Never Forget.

This was an order for a small basket, which as normal is lined with pink checked gingham and edged with broderie anglaise.   The basket is finished off with pink ribbons.  Once all of the bespoke baby items are placed inside, it is wrapped in cellophane and finished off with a personalised ribbon which also has the baby's name and birth date!

Inside the basket we placed at the customers request:-

A Pink Teddy Baby comforter edged with satin and satin backed.

Gorgeous frilled baby socks in a voile pouch and bottom of socks have Little on one foot and Angel on the other! for that real Awwwwww factor!

a pink spotted personalised baby blanket which was personalised with baby's name and finished off with a pink spotted bow!

A personalised baby bib with our lovely honey coloured bear with pinks scarf and personalised with baby's name and edged in pink and white gingham bias binding!

A personalised card showing name and baby's birth date a great keepsake for years to come!

And this is the basket complete with personalised ribbon and finished off with cellophane prior to being delivered!

I love making bespoke baby baskets and I know that the new mums love to receive them!

Curtains, Sheets and more Sheets

Me and My Shadow
Magpie Monday,
click to join in!

Well this will be a bit of a 'hurried'  Magpie Monday, on account of three children being off school, orders to get out, washing, ironing and deliveries to do!

My finds this week really are a blast from the past!

So from the top, we have a double pair of brand new candy striped sheets, just like I had on my bed as a child!

In the middle a lovely pair of heavy weight navy gingham curtains.

At the bottom a brand new double vintage bed sheet.

Now those that know me well, will know that none of them will end up as they were originally meant too!

As soon as I have a 'free sewing day' I will start creating.

Could not believe  that both sheet sets were brand new! and perfectly 'vintage'

I paid £6 for the striped sheets (two of them - double size)

£6.25 for the gingham curtains

and £5.99 for the vintage floral double sheet (only one of them but I have a great idea of what they will become!)

Will post pics at a later time to show what happened to them all.

Good Luck everyone and happy hunting!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Competition Time £50, £20 and £10 Never Forget Vouchers to be won!

Hi everyone,

Well to-date this is the biggest single competition I have done myself!

So how do you enter? -  Well its simples!

Please can you write on your blog about Never Forget,  and feature something from our site and then send me the  link back to your blog, or link back on my Facebook page, or share on Twitter your blog/review etc.  If you do not have a blog them please review a product on Facebook or share a link on Twitter and of course additional entries by re-tweeting or signing up to my blog or liking my facebook page.

You can review a recent purchase, review a product create a wish list, what ever  and how ever your creativity takes you.

You must link your article back to me on either of the following links:



Please include the following text on Twitter:

I'm entering @neverforgetcouk comp to win £50, £20 or £10 vouchers

We will close the competition during the first week of May and we will choose a winner from each of the three entries above.

Good Luck and have Fun - If you are stuck for ideas how about just writing about your favourite item, what you would like most, what items you would buy if you won the top prize of £50 vouchers or anything else that takes your fancy!

Please include the following text on Twitter:
I'm entering @neverforgetcouk comp to win £50, £20 or £10 vouchers

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A quick coffee or Twelve! - Magpie Monday

Linking up with Miss Lizzie's Magpie Monday

Well here are again, I have actually just collected this weeks find! As it came from the internet and was fairly local.

Excited does not even come close, I could hardly believe it when I saw it and was aghast at what I paid.

In my craft room, I like to offer visitors cups or tea or coffee, now my tea cups are lovely Worcester porcelain on the other hand my coffee cups are pink and white spotted from Argos, very lovely and match all of the other spotty things in my room, but hardly a statement piece.

So imagine how excited I am to now be the proud owner of a 15 piece Liberty of London Coffee Set!

12 cups and saucers, cream jug and sugar bowl  and a coffee pot! All unused and perfect!

Beauvais pattern Mason's Ironstone coffee set made exclusively for Liberty's of London. 1989.

Coffee jug 10 inches to top of lid. 12 cups and saucers. Cream jug and sugar bowl. The coffee cups are the size of espresso cups which is great as lots of my friends drink espresso.

Bargain of the year I think !

Anyone for coffee?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is not just any waistcoat, this is a handmade, designed by Jacaranda waistcoat............

When we think of our wardrobe and what we have in it, I bet like me over 50% of your present wardrobe is not worn (now come on be honest!!!!).

As a dressmaker and someone that can sew, I suppose my wardrobe should be right and correct, but like most people, I'm good at providing for others but not so good at sorting out myself.  So apart from the odd spat of wardrobe weeding when I feel virtuous and a trip to charity shops beckons, I suppose like most I really do need to sort this out.

So if you think of a 'capsule wardrobe', say perhaps 12 items could you do it?  Mine would be smart evening trousers, a lightweight jacket or cardigan, two shirts, two t shirts a pair of casual trousers one skirt two dresses,   a jumper, a coat and a waistcoat  Yes you heard right a waistcoat.

Waistcoats are timeless, yet so useful, they can be mixed and matched, used to make a statement or quite simply turn a simple casual outfit into something classic.

Now I'm not talking about a gilet or a denim waistcoat (don;t get me started on denim waistcoats!) I'm talking about a classic timeless piece of tailoring.  Now please don' t all run off to re-mortgage your house.  Yes you can go to the extreme and really buy a timeless piece of tailoring say from Saville Row but you can also find some fabulous handmade one off creations on the Internet and you just need to look to find them.

A waistcoat is a statement piece, it should say a lot about you, Look at Me, I feel bright and Happy, I love to look classic, I'm fun and frivolous, whatever the statement, your clothes should reflect you.

So please take a look at Jacaranda a great site which has some amazing waistcoats, here are a few that I love :-

This Liberty Tree of  Life design is really a classic, not only in design but fabric. It has classic navy lining and would be great over jeans, perfect with a skirt and could easily be dressed up or down.

This gold and black thread waistcoat really is timeless, imagine this with your favourite evening skirt or palazzo trousers.  Wouldn't this be stunning for a cruise or a special birthday! You can even choose your style of buttons, gold roses or black/gold enamel!

And my final favourite to indulge you with is this William Morris Esq inspired fabric (who incidentally is one of my favourite designers!)

The care and attention to detail is fabulous, look how the poppies have been matched, now that really is tailoring at its best.

So go on, indulge yourself, add a classic piece of tailoring to your wardrobe (capsule or not!) and just see how many more items you can wear.

To be inspired or to buy please take a look at the other waistcoats available at Jacaranda, just follow this link

I would love you to comment on your favourite and to share on FB and Twitter.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, but just one person who loves to sew, praising the work of another artisan.  Thank You.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are you one in Four?

Did you know that one in four ladies in the UK are a size 18 or over!  Well its a fact!  And that almost 40% of the female population wear size 16.  (Info taken from Models of Diversity).

So with so many more curvy ladies (me being in the one in four brigade!) I was pleased to find select 16 plus a great website who not only supplies but celebrates the more curvaceous ladies!

I was fed up of trawling the high street  to be pushed into a minuscule changing room to find that actually the size on the hanger was not what I was trying on.  Then on the other hand,  I've never much liked the look of wearing my Grans curtains.  Yes I am curvy - but I'm also a Mum, Wife and actually I like to be smart and trendy!

They supply from a size 16 - 36 and cover Gothic, young, smart, modern, casual, dressy  so really items for any occasion.  I love there dresses  and think that everyone should have a maxi dress in the wardrobe, great for that summer Bar-b-Que and perfect to dress up for a night out.

Also a Shrug is the great accessory to bring life something in your wardrobe it can lift the colour or just add a whole new dimension.

If like me you love to be snugly in your pyjamas then they also have a great range.

So why not celebrate your curves and take a look!

Select16 Plus

This is not a sponsored post, just shouting loud and proud about being curvy and hopefully getting more people to feel the same.