Welcome to my mutterings to life in general and all that Jazz!

So this is my attempt at the wonderful world of blogging!

It will contain my ramblings of life, hopes, dreams and a smattering of what makes me smile!

So grab a cupcake, (hopefully one with zillions of buttercream!) a cup of tea and sit back and take yourself out from this busy life for a few moments................................

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Magpie Monday - Let them Eat Cake!

Me and My Shadow

Joining in with me and my Shadows Magpie Monday

Well this week's Magpie Monday actually started last Wednesday.  My youngest daughter had been unwell and after a long lie in, we decided we should try and venture into town.  Now before you are thinking I was dragging her around the shops, she also wanted to go to town to try and find something to wear for her 14th birthday party.

On the car journey into town, I explained to her all about Magpie Monday she was possibly not excited as me about it, but said she would come with me into the charity shops to help me decide what to buy.  We also thought this was a good time to take one very large black sack of clothes to donate.

So off we set, the nearest charity shop to our car park was  Save the Children so we donated our black sack, and as I turned to leave, I could not believe what I had seen on the shelf!

Ta Da........................................

Two beautiful glass vintage cake plates, well for those that know me, I have a passion for sewing and my other one is baking, especially cakes!  The large one was £4.50 and the small one £3.50 what bargains they were!

They look great on there own but also stack well on top of each other, like this............

Now they are not what you would call a marriage made in heaven, but to me they are fabulous and look just as good together as apart!

And we got to use the small one during Charlotte's party, doesn't it look great filled with chocolate dipped strawberries? !

The lady that served us said they had only come into the shop that morning and she could not believe that they were still there in the afternoon, I'm certainly glad they were!

We then went into one other shop and Charlotte got  these, brand new and boxed!  They were priced at £10 but the lady said she could have them for £5 as they had been in the cabinet so long!

When we got home, we checked them on the Internet and they are £20 per set so that was also a bargain, she also got a clear case and two sleeves for her ipod nano new and boxed for 50p, so I think her Eagle eyes have turned her into a Magpie in Training!

We also managed to get her party outfit, although that was not from the charity shop!

Can;t wait to see everyone else's finds!  Until next week!  Have decided if I am to keep on being a Magpie, I must also donate something every week also!  That way hopefully more will be going out of my house than coming in!


  1. I posted this morning but edited late last ngiht and for some reason it is showing my edit date and not my posting date! Perhaps its pilot error! Spot the newbie at blogging lolx

  2. Those cake stands are positively gorgeous. Great idea to stack them too.

    Looks like you're training your daughter well too - what a great spot for her!

    Thanks for joining in, loving your finds x

  3. I need to visit my loft, when my MIL died we got rid of loads of kitchen items but I'm hoping maybe I saw something like these and i didn't give them away, those cake stands are gorgeous...

    I'm also training my own daughter to be a magpie.

  4. Thaks Liz, and Tattooed Mummy, Yes Charlotte was thrilled with her purchases and she very kindly gave one each to her brother and sister!

  5. Love the cake stands, they look wonderful standing ontop of each other. Can just imagine all the little petit four's stacked around them.

    Good for your 14 yr old daughter that she was willing to accompany you. My 15 yr old son would rather have all his teeth pulled out than accompany me shopping these days : ) xx

  6. Lovely cake stands, I always pick them up too (running out of space in my cupboards now!)

    Great find from your daughter - I can see we all have competition :-)

    My blog is all about my second hand and vintage finds...

  7. the cake stands are so lovely...I have been looking for one in my local charity shops for years but I'm always beaten to them. :)

  8. Thanks everyone, I love Magpie Monday!

  9. Cake stands look lovely but the dipped strawberries look lovelier!

  10. I love your Cake stands they are beautiful. I too have a lovely cake stand that was my Mothers, I used it only last week when I made a Birthday Cake for my Son. x

  11. Those little cake stands are so pretty great find!

  12. Thank you everyone for looking, sharing and commenting! I have joined lots of new blogs - its so very exciting!

  13. Great to have the reminder to donate and you have inspired me so I now have a box of items ready for the charity shop.
    Great finds and great interests of yours which I share.
    My finds were a bit disappointing this week over at http://gigglingatitall.blogspot.com
