Welcome to my mutterings to life in general and all that Jazz!

So this is my attempt at the wonderful world of blogging!

It will contain my ramblings of life, hopes, dreams and a smattering of what makes me smile!

So grab a cupcake, (hopefully one with zillions of buttercream!) a cup of tea and sit back and take yourself out from this busy life for a few moments................................

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Say Cheese!

Not my normal type of blog, but then again, I'm not always normal!

I love social media, its one of those great things that helps us to keep in touch, I possibly value this even more since two of my children went off to University! It can cross miles, in an instant bring us that 'special moment'.  If I could change just ONE thing about it, I would make it compulsory for everyone that uses it to post at least one pic with themselves in it every month!  Why? This is why.,...

I have always loved photography, I have always taken photographs, I think it's the one important thing that not everyone values. Photography has the power to capture 'THAT' moment in time, that scene, that face, that beautiful object, place or thing of beauty.  It can evoke all kinds of emotions, happy, sad, uplifting - a photograph can say a million things.

What saddens me is that fact I know far too many people that just will not post pics of themselves! They are for lots of reasons, but these ones I hear far too often!  No, I have no make up on,  I'm too fat, I'm too thin, I look awful,

A photograph is a single unique statement, its will say whatever YOU want it to say about you. It can say, I am happy with who I am,  I'm a bit crazy, I love life and so much more.

So where are we going with this.  Well this is the point, I'm the youngest of FIVE children, my parents were  happily divorced.  My dad loved photography (possibly the one and only thing I had in common with him) I think the only pictures of me when I was small are of me as a four year old and I have TWO of them!!  Plus two other school pictures.

I sadly lost my Mum late last year, who had dementia, Luckily I have zillions of pictures with my Mum, days out, meals out, celebrations,  and this is what I want for my children, to have zillions of pictures to look back on.

Yesterday I was with my Bestie, those that know me know my favourite colour is GREEN, I drive Betsy my lime green car, my engagement ring is an emerald and I would say a third of my wardrobe is green.  Her youngest son had some amazing sun glasses, lime green, I loved them!  - not everyone shared this enthusiasm,  then suddenly we had a matching hat, and of course a photo or two was taken!  We laughed so much, it was hysterical.  I did not want the pics on the Social Media, but why, we laughed we shared a very funny moment, so here are the pics.  By the way I had to be 'taught' how to do that hand gesture!

Me and my Mum xx

Now for the serious bit, I would love you all to share this post, put up one of your 'moments' in time, and then go and donate £3 to the Alzheimers Society.  share your post with the #picsforalzheimers lets fill social media with picture  moments! If you are reading this please SHARE on Twitter and Facebook  -  I would love this to go viral and look forward to seeing your pics xx   #picsforalzheimers Thank You.

We are so lucky that we no longer have to take a picture head off to the chemist and wait a week to see what pictures we have taken,  Nothing can stop you, only YOU, get out that camera, phone or Ipad etc and get clicking.  Then get texting and donate to a fabulous charity. 

To donate : 

Text DEFEAT to
70111 to donate £3



  1. Dearest Ellie 💖 I realised long sho that if I waited for the pic where I looked thin, where I didn't look tired, where my teeth didn't look wonky, whatever I am hung up on, I would have no memory pics of happy times to look back on. As you know, dementia ripped family apart, alzhiemers and vascular dementia. I now know to treasure every moment with the people I love 💖 tears in my eyes now 💖 will be posting my pic later xxx love you lots my dear friend xxx 💖

  2. Thank You Angie, ♥
    You were actually one of the reasons I started posting pics of myself, you once had a conversation with me along the lines of your post, it hit home and now I will post pics, I think it is so very important. I hope everyone shares this post, I hope everyone posts pics and I would love love love this to go viral !!!! ♥♥♥ Thank You Lovely Lady xxx
